JUQ-683 | A mommy friend invites me to a matching app, and together we sweetly tame a younger guy I like. Kanna Fuji Yuri Sasahara

JUQ-683 | A mommy friend invites me to a matching app, and together we sweetly tame a younger guy I like. Kanna Fuji Yuri Sasahara
Label: Madonna
Director: Nao Masaki

Kanna, who works as an erotic novelist while hiding from her husband, and her mom friend, Yuri. One day, when she was having her usual tea party, the topic turned to sex. Yuri seems to be having a fulfilling sex life with a girl she met on an app, and even though she is shy, she half-forcefully recommends the app to Kanna, saying that she is looking for material for her novel... Taichi, a student I met through the app I started, is a cute, obedient and obedient boy. Kanna awakens to the pleasure of dominating her younger self, and she gradually becomes addicted to the relationship with her younger self.


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