IPZZ-125 | Aphrodisiac obscene ● A quiet beautiful girl in uniform can't forget the pleasure of riding the train to school... Wakana Sakura

IPZZ-125 | Aphrodisiac obscene ● A quiet beautiful girl in uniform can't forget the pleasure of riding the train to school... Wakana Sakura
Label: Dish
Director: Amazing Meat
Studio: Idea Pocket

One day, Sakura, who has a quiet personality and is unable to say anything even if something is wrong, is molested on the train to school. Naturally, she couldn't even say that she was a molester, and all she could do was wait quietly for the act to end, but after a while the man applied a creamy substance to her genitals. Something strange happened to my body... This is Wakana Sakura's first full-fledged drama and her first work as a transparent and genuine young lady.


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